The Project:
Running a profitable operation in the biofuel industry requires overcoming a multitude of challenges. Securing reliable feedstock supplies, ensuring optimal production processes, navigating market price volatility, and ensuring compliance with complex regulatory frameworks are a few of the many obstacles to success in this sector. With state-of-the-art biodiesel production facilities located strategically on a deepwater port and rail facility, Essentia’s client is rapidly growing and trending towards being the top producer of biofuels in North America.
Having accurate, real-time visibility into positions and risk exposures is of paramount importance in the world of renewable fuels. The client’s reliance on its commodity trading and risk management (CTRM) system is mission critical and the client’s current version was no longer supported by the software vendor. An upgrade to the platform was needed.
With a reputation for meticulous attention to detail, precise planning and execution, and a passion for our clients at the intersection of renewable and traditional energy, it was natural for the client to select & entrust Essentia with an upgrade of its RightAngle CTRM.
Canola Oil
Palm Oil
Poultry Fat
Soybean Oil
Technologies Deployed
Microsoft SQL Server
Essentia Solution Offerings
CTRM Upgrade
Essentia Provided:
The client’s business processes and workflows are consistent with what was originally configured and implemented. Adjustments to the client’s processes and workflows configured in its existing RightAngle were minimal therefore the implementation strategy was primarily a like-for-like technical upgrade, moving from version s15 to s21.
Additional project accomplishments included:
- Upgrading to a RightAngle version compatible with the latest Microsoft SQL Server database software version.
- Migration to a third-party hosted environment, enhancing flexibility in accessing RightAngle and ensuring utmost data security.
- Moving to a vendor-supported version of RightAngle.
Change management was important to ensure seamless adoption and so training for functional users to acclimate to the new user interfaces & screens was critical to project success.
Client Benefits:
With the latest platform version in place the client is able to capture more of the process automation potential offered by RightAngle. Most importantly the client is optimally equipped with the decision support it needs for commercial and operational success in today’s volatile renewable biofuel environment.