Summary Market Operations and ETRM systems are like peanut butter and jelly. You can have one without the other, but it’s just not the same. […]
As time passes since your CTRM implementation, performance issues and mismatches between evolving business requirements and the system’s capabilities may have emerged. Additionally, customized extensions[…]
Profit and loss explained analysis and reporting has become a required tool for the middle and front office. Brian Shydlo, a Managing Principal at Essentia[…]
I am often asked by clients how the cost of a cloud deployment for a typical commodity trading and risk management (“CTRM”) solution compares to[…]
There comes a time in every software relationship where you want something that your existing systems cannot provide. Once you decide that you need to[…]
CPG’s Exposure to Commodity Volatility Participants in the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) or Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) sector are exposed to the volatility of commodity[…]
The longer it has been since your CTRM implementation went live, the more likely it is that performance issues and a mismatch between the business’[…]