Posts in Insights

ACER REMIT: Transaction Reporting Logic Changes – Part 1

EU Regulations require market participants to report wholesale energy market contracts, including orders to trade, within the EU, to the Agency for the Cooperation of[…]

Cloud based CTRM, A Game Changer

I am often asked by clients how the cost of a cloud deployment for a typical commodity trading and risk management (“CTRM”) solution compares to[…]

Hedge Your Bets But Watch Your Tail

As part of our practice in risk management advisory, I’m often asked to help clients think about their risk management processes and compare those against[…]

Beacon Whitepaper

There comes a time in every software relationship where you want something that your existing systems cannot provide. Once you decide that you need to[…]

Managed Support Services

When deciding how to support your applications, it is important to first answer a few questions: What are my options? What are the benefits of[…]

Review of Derivative Instruments in Mexico’s Power Auction

Please join Bravos Energia and Essentia Advisors for a review of the Concursos Electricos de Largo Plazo (CELP), Mexico’s newest and most innovative financial power[…]


CPG’s Exposure to Commodity Volatility Participants in the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) or Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) sector are exposed to the volatility of commodity[…]

CTRM Review

The longer it has been since your CTRM implementation went live, the more likely it is that performance issues and a mismatch between the business’[…]